Discover our grants!
Documentation grants
The Documentation grants provide funding to document material knowledge systems that are under threat and in danger of disappearing. This includes knowledge systems associated with the making, use, repair and re-purposing of material objects, spaces, architecture, performances and environments. In order to qualify for these grants, these knowledge systems must still be actively pursued or at least practised within the living memory of the knowledge holders.
Large Grant: Up to 24 months with a maximum award of £100,000.
Small Grant: Up to 12 months with a maximum award of £20,000.
Legacy Digitisation grants
The digitisation grant provides funding to digitise collections or materials relating to endangered material knowledge. Collections to be digitised can include varying types of records kept by researchers or stored in repositories without the means to be digitised.
EMKP Legacy Digitisation Grant: Up to 12 months with a maximum award of £20,000. If you have any questions, please email
EMKP Grantee Wuthigrai Siriphon carves a piece of wood with a hammer and chisel, under the guidance of woodworker Phromma Charoensri. Ban Rai, Thailand, 2020 (Photo: Sasicha Srijanchom)